🍪Cookie Gens

Due to recent changes, akamai is no longer needed to be genned. All tasks are run on the cloud mode so the bot will no longer gen akamai, you can completely ignore the akamai settings.

Cookie gens are very simple to operate and only require you to fill in three details for each gen. The maximum cookies, threads and the proxies used for generating. It is recommended to use ISP's and DC's to gen cookies as the data usage can get quite high after a sustained period of use.

akamai_proxies = "test" # Your akamai proxy list
akamai_threads = 25 # Number of threads to use for generating akamai cookies
akamai_max = 1500 # Max number of cookies to generate

kasada_proxies = "test" # Your kasada proxy list
kasada_threads = 10 # Number of threads to use for generating kasada cookies
kasada_max = 75 # Max number of cookies to generate

Last updated