The config file uses the TOML format, it is easy to read and edit. Open config.toml with the notepad to begin editing the config. Each field already has a description of what you should be inputting.
# Fill out the configuration file with your own settings
# Enter your information inbetween the "" marks and do not change the names of the variables
key = "NANO-ABCD123-ABCD123-ABCD123" # Your License Key
webhook = "Webhook URL" # Your Webhook URL, AYCD webhooks are supported
kasada_proxies = "test" # Your kasada proxy list
kasada_threads = 5 # Number of threads to use for generating kasada cookies
kasada_max = 30 # Max number of cookies to generate
akamai_proxies = "test" # Your akamai proxy list
akamai_threads = 30 # Number of threads to use for generating akamai cookies
akamai_max = 1000 # Max number of cookies to generate
The settings provided here are the recommended settings for a drop when running 800 tasks. (800 tasks is the recommended amount to run for drops).